⁣Cameo CTO & Co Founder Devon Spinnler grasps a Costa Rica's Call Center shout out first ha

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"Costa Rica, we approve of it. Keep doing what you are doing!"

The vacation style video begins on the warm sunny beaches of the Pacific Coast. Cameo's CTO gives a TRUE PURA VIDA cheer, "Congrats to COSTA RICA'S CALL CENTER baby!"

During his adventures, Devon took the time to acknowledge a solid business goal that was met by the CEO of CCC, "Richard let me know you guys are celebrating your 10th year anniversary in business". Cameo is currently in their 3rd year of business and we can only imaging the size and scope of the responsibilities of a Chief Technical Officer for a growing company. We look forward to celebrating your 10th year milestone as well.

The business co- founder understand that a happy work environment can make or break an organization. Through his proper due diligence, Devon mentions our cool art deco building and stylish neon marquees. In addition, the retro pinball machine collection and authentic 1950's cafe was also shared in the presentation to enhance our professional image.

The way a client is treated can also show the business culture. CTO Devon can only imagine the smooth transportation of CCC and the extras we provide to our VIP visitors, "Classic Mercedes limo for guests. What don't you guys have?".

Finally, Devon ends the video by showing the clear blue water and pristine white beaches of Central America. He concludes his thoughts on his current location with a sly smile, "We are actually in Tamarindo right now. Beautiful country."

The entire staff of CCC appreciates the time and effort in making this video. The fact that you have traveled to CR was a huge bonus for us and shows that CAMEO has a strong presence everywhere. PURA VIDA DEVON!


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