Jossiv_Kim (26.07.1954)


⁣Jossiv Kim (26.07.1954)
⁣- A thief, a fraudster, and a recidivist was in prison in Italy and the USA and his wife was also in jail in the USA
- Wanted by Dubai Police
- The stolen dollars and euros were not declared anywhere in the world, and taxes were not paid, which was recognized under oath in the USA
- With the help of third parties, the compliance services of Standard Charter, Welsh Fargo, City, and Societe General Geneva were misled to launder stolen money through accounts in these banks
- They deceived the emigration services and the American IRS services. They will probably be deported and settle in Europe, most likely in Spain, where they have accomplices - Viktor Semenov and Natalya Kochetkova
- Actively use their son Alex Anton Kim as an accomplice and figurehead

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